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What We Do?

The Sunbo Angel Partners has been on a path no one has been to for the past four years.

As the first investment company in Korea, we have established a united front with leading companies by industry.

More than 100 leading mid-sized companies that have been leading the Korean economy are drawing a picture of the future with us.

We’ve challenged innovative areas in a variety of ways, including startup investments, joint ventures, company buildings, and M&As, and we’re going to get the big picture done.


Currently, we are active in Korea (Seoul, Busan, Ulsan, Gwangju), Singapore and Berlin offices.

Proactive members who plan and create their own projects are enhancing the capabilities of the office.

Sunbo Angel Partners dreaming of Korea’s fastest-growing global investment holding company.

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선보엔젤파트너스는 지난 4년간 누구도 가지 않았던 길을 걸어왔습니다. 

투자회사로서는 국내 ‘최초’로 산업별 리딩기업들과 연합전선을 구축했습니다. 
대한민국 경제를 이끌어 온 대표 중견기업 100여 곳이 
우리와 함께 미래를 그리고 있습니다. 

스타트업 투자, 합작법인(JV), 컴퍼니빌딩, M&A 등 
다양한 방식으로 혁신적인 영역에 도전했고
점차 큰 그림을 완성해갈 것입니다. 

매년 새로운 무대를 찾았습니다. 
현재 한국(서울, 부산, 울산, 광주), 싱가포르, 베를린 오피스를 중심으로 활동하고 있습니다. 
스스로 프로젝트를 기획하고 만들어가는 능동적인 구성원들은
오피스의 역량을 강화하고 있습니다.

한국에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 ‘글로벌 투자 지주회사’ 선보엔젤파트너스를 꿈꿉니다.

How We Work?

Maximize the autonomy and authority of your team, assuming responsibility for yourself.

It's not just about being given within a vertical relationship, it's about being able to create and accomplish things on any level.

Based on Amoeba’s management philosophy, employees who have outstanding leadership and responsibility for themselves are selected as leaders regardless of rank, and are given representative-level authority, and are also the CEO of the subsidiary.


We have created our own Sunbo Way, Angel Way, which contains our own philosophy to maximize the capabilities of these talents and to harmonize our family lives.


A policy that does not limit working hours and vacations

Provides support for families to travel abroad together

Also, Angel Vacation, which grants one month of sabbatical to employees who have worked for more than three years, The Destination Office, which works in new environment such as travel destination in summer and winter is our own system of making culture for the best people.

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